Saturday, August 20, 2011

Character Sheets

These are a few character Sheets the I did for Character Design class.

First up the Wolf Man.

I want to portray him as more friendly playfull version, kinda like a big humanoid puppy dog.

Now we have Medusa

I played with the snake theme but did not want to go the same route as many and use snake hair, so I opted to give her a cobra hood.

Another character

This is another character I did both in 2D and 3D. This was for my zbrush class so I decided to do character I often draw and bring him into the 3D realm, his name is Semek.

The 2D art was once again don in Photoshop. 

                                           The 3d was done in Zbrush using base geometry from 3DS Max
My name is Chris Ricci and I am currently a animation student at the New England Institute of Art. This blogs purpose is to showcase projects I have done there or art using the skills I have aquired over the years from my classses.

To start this blog I will first show a character I did in both 2D and 3D, I call him the Artificial Ninja.

The 2d image was done in photoshop

the 3D version was done in ZBrush using base models from 3DS Max